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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back To School: Makeup Dos & Don'ts

Do: Look fresh and awake while staying true to yourself and your style. 
1. Keep it light, soft & subtle – Keeping your makeup natural and effortless will help to avoid looking overdone, and also speeds up your morning routine. We all need our beauty rest, so keep it simple!
2. Brighten up tired eyes & dark circles – Peach and neutral shades on your eyes can camouflage an all-nighter study session, or you can always try the potato trick to reduce bagginess. Even a little concealer will help brighten up dark circles no matter how much/little sleep you get.  
3. Consider time – Long-lasting foundation is good for school because you’re going to be spending a lot of time in class and don’t want to have to keep touching up. Setting your foundation with a powder will help keep your foundation matte, too.
4. Consider summer – You probably just spent a bunch of time in the sun, so when it comes to shade/tone for foundation, think about how your color may have changed. Your skin might be a couple shades darker so accommodate with your foundation. You want to avoid that ghost face faux pas, so click here for more tips on this one.
5. Redefine your window frames – Fill in your natural brows with a pencil that is two shades lighter for darker hair or two shades darker for lighter hair.
6. Lip stain markers – Stains are good for a natural look and last longer than normal lipstick.  You can also never go wrong with your favorite shiny lip gloss, just be sure to keep it in your bag for touch ups!
Don’t: Overdo it and try to look older than you actually are.
1. Wear loud colors – Really bright eye shadow combinations can be distracting and a little over-the-top for a day at school. If you want to add a pop of color, try it in smaller proportions like blue eyeliner on the lower lash line or a brighter lip stain.
2. Pile it on – Applying too much makeup everyday for school can be difficult to maintain and can actually become really expensive. If you want to change your look 1 or 2 days out of the week try something different with your eyeliner (click here for some options) or add a pop or color every once in a while. 
3. Forget about skincare – Whatever your morning routine looks like, you shouldn’t forget this important step. Cleansing and moisturizing your face before you put your makeup on is important for healthy skin and a youthful glow.
I think it’s important to embrace your youthful beauty, but at the end of the day, it really depends on your style. Stick to whatever you feel comfortable and beautiful wearing, and don’t forget to be confident!

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